Is your Investment & Pension portfolio positioned to benefit from what may lie ahead in 2014?
Martyn Charlwood, investment and pension specialist explains.
2013 drew to a close with global stock markets having rallied and many regions demonstrating strong growth. Although this was both encouraging and welcome not all investors benefitted to the same degree and the less fortunate were left wondering why?
There is a school of thought that says the longer you are prepared to remain invested the greater your potential returns. However, what was once a suitable investment for your money may no longer be the case. It stands to reason that for preferred markets i.e. those with greater potential for growth, both asset and geographical exposure will change over time. A further consideration applies to those invested in funds where Investment Managers have stepped down such as Neil Woodford (Invesco Perpetual) and Richard Buxton (Schroders) etc. In such situations there will be the necessity to reconsider the merits of the new incoming manager and whether the investment continues to remain appropriate.
For those experiencing inferior investment returns this is invariably due to the fact that no proactive investment management is taking place to take account of the examples above (amongst others).
What was once a suitable investment for your money may no longer be the case
Investing via a Discretionary Investment Manager can provide the solution. This service is undertaken by highly qualified and experienced individuals with a remit to manage investment funds in line with the clients respective risk profile and ensure they continue to be positioned to take advantage of market growth and of course, safeguard those very same funds at times of heightened risk.
As we enter 2014 perhaps it’s time to ring in some changes! Happy New Year – let’s hope it’s a prosperous one!
Top Tips
- Always seek advice from an Independent Financial Adviser
- Select an Adviser experienced and qualified to maximise returns and add value, not just a cost
- Seek a transparent and competitive charging structure
Remember! ‘Good advice is a great investment’
Talk to Martyn
To find out more call Martyn at Charlwood IFA on 01202 768512